The Bible is the standard bearer how to live the right way

When is people in America and also around the world going to wake up to the truth of what’s taking place from these evil people in the world they want to kill you off they believe there is too many people on planet earth they get mad when you want abort babies they want to kill the babies Because they know that’s gonna be another soul that is in the world yet they won’t tell you the truth. So I’m saying to people out there stop sleeping mentally. be proactive stand for the right of a thing and not the wrong there is a right way in a wrong way to vote voting for someone that’s wrong and it’s going to do bad in the country yes or a wrong way to vote the right way to vote is that you’re going to back up and hold them accountable for doing the right things in the country you yourself are supposed to be a good productive human being and Citizen whatever country you’re born in and you’re supposed to do the good for yourself for God for your country and you’re supposed to Shun the evil that is in the world taking right stands not to bought off with the dollar bill. I will talk to any person no matter what they believe in but I will not compromise my stand on what I believe I will post only what I believe is right and shun that which is wrong the Bible is my rulebook yes it is my Guideline that I go bye, And I’m supposed to use it as the standard bearer for everything that I do in life I have not always done this because of it I have suffered many times with things because I did not use the Bible as the playbook to go bye. Well I’ve said enough for right now but I will say more later we love you we’re praying for you.

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