Evangelist Sam Davis/commenting on our country and its problems

There has only been two presidents in modern history that he has looked out for American and its boundaries and that was President Ronald Regan and President Donald Trump the reason that Mr. Trump is hate it so much that the liberals are better said COMMUNIST Because he stands up for the American way and he tries to put Americans first and he is faulted for that there is so many people in this country that don’t even care about the country they like the benefits of what their getting here in America but they don’t love America as being a sovereign nation my friends we have to staying firm we have to pray we have to be vigilant to cause the good to prevail in society there is more evil going on then there is good that’s why you’re seeing a downturn on things in America so this is another one of my little memos that I send out to those on the blog I love you much and I understand my heart my friends

One response to “Evangelist Sam Davis/commenting on our country and its problems”

  1. Thank you my friends for reading the Memos I really appreciate it and thank you for being my friends on here feel free to share the stuff that you read and listen to thank you


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