Evangelist Sam Davis // message

would suspect that most of our corruption that has taken place in America has came in from our own government trying to destroy the people in one way or the other and they’re mad at someone like trump for exposing the evils that they do such as the child pedophile ranks its government find it and ran don’t know where but it would not exist as long as it did if it wasn’t funded by people that has the power most people don’t want to hear this or deal with it another thing I want to say reporting it is OK but if you’re only going to report it and you’re not going to take a stand against it the evil people don’t mind you reporting as long as you don’t stand in opposition to what they’re doing my friend you have to stand up for what is right you have to speak out for what is right in the Bible gives all the criteria for what is right what the Bible teaches is what we should follow not what fallen man teach us man cannot tell us the truth about anything even most churches are lying about the gospel and one form or the other thank you

One response to “Evangelist Sam Davis // message”

  1. Thank you my dear friend appreciate you reading my memos watching the videos


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