A little message from me sharing my heart with you

My friends listen the corruption that goes on in the church world starting a false church called the Catholic Church. Starting denominational churches different eye names and types and they’re all saying that they’re serving Jesus this is false this is confusion and this is not the word of God. This corruption continues in the world setting your political parties fight for political platforms not because they love America not because they want to make America prosper for everyone but they just fight back-and-forth and say Things to tear down the fabric of America and many other parts of the world and so it becomes corruption and we are supposed to stand against corruption but no order to stand against corruption you have to know the Lord and use the word of God as a skillful spiritual instrument to speak out against the corruption of the world we love you and we want people to understand the word of God it talks about everything including this natural world.

One response to “A little message from me sharing my heart with you”

  1. Thank you my friend God bless you are reading and this is my heart based on the scripture and has been American citizen


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