People that tell lies about anything what does the Bible say about that here is a few scriptures


The Bible says in Proverbs 12:22 that lying lips are an abomination before God, to mean that God dislikes it when someone lies. The same is echoed in Proverbs 6:16-19 where lying is mentioned under the six things that the Lord hates. It is further mentioned as an abomination in the same verse.

In Psalm 101:7, God says that those who like lying will not dwell in His house and that those who utter lies will not be allowed to continue doing so as God watches, while in Psalm 31:18, King David declares curses upon the people who have been telling lies that they may mute forever.

Proverbs 12:19 says that truthful lips will endure forever while, consequently, a lying tongue will only exist for a moment as it is bound to be destroyed by God.

Colossians 3:9-10 warns Christians against lying to each other since they are new creatures in Jesus Christ who should not lie like in their old days.

In John 8:44, Satan is said to be the father of lies whose focus is lying to and misleading the people of God from the truth.

In 1 John 2:4, we are told that any person who claims to know Jesus Christ but fails to keep His commandments is lying and does not bear any truth in them, as Proverbs 24:28 forbids us from telling lies against our neighbours and from lying with our lips.

In Proverbs 21:6, we are warned against acquiring property using a lying tongue as this is a trap that could lead to your death, while in Psalm 34:13, we are told to keep our tongues from evil and our lips from lying.

In Psalm 109:2, King David laments about the wicked people who are speaking against him with lying tongues, while in Psalm 120:2, he asks God to deliver him from lying lips and deceitful mouths.

In Hosea 4:2, lying is mentioned as one thing that breaks all bounds, leading to constant bloodshed.

In 1 Kings 22:21-23, God is noted allowing a lying spirit to work in His prophets as the wrath for the people’s disobedience.

Isaiah 32:7 describes the devil’s character as evil, using his lying tongue to deceive the poor.

In Acts 3, Ananias makes the mistake of lying to the Holy Spirit and dies instantly. Three hours later, his wife Sapphira lies and dies before Apostle Peter.

This is just a portion of what the Bible says about lying and how God reacts to lying when done by His people.

Lying first appears in the Bible in Genesis 3. In the verse, the devil visits Eve disguised as a serpent in the Garden. He then asks her why God had forbidden them from eating the fruit at the tree in the middle of the Garden. Eve explains that God had warned them that they would die if they ate the fruit.

With his lying tongue, the devil manages to convince Eve to eat the fruit, promising they will acquire knowledge to know good and bad. As soon as both Adam and Eve eat the fruit, the

To be honest most people lie about the Scriptures because they do not believe they’re inspired and they’re from God many people don’t even believe in a real God I think it’s make-believe that’s why so many people tell lies it do not fear the consequences

One response to “People that tell lies about anything what does the Bible say about that here is a few scriptures”

  1. Praise the Lord and thank you my friend for reading reading the Scriptures we love you and the Lord


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